Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Power of lace underwear.

      I know it's a strange way to start writing a blog post, maybe kind of awkward actually, but my sister may have inspired me on this one. Now I must admit,this post will most likely be very irrelevant  but I still hope you enjoy it.

       Now recently my sister made a comment about lingerie and lace underwear, who needs it? Obviously undergarments are pretty much viewed as a necessity and if not found wearing any you can be viewed as trashy, low class, or you know a slut. But if you do wear underwear that is 99% lace you can pretty much be called trashy too, but who's really seeing your underwear? In elementary school it's like no one talks about the color of your underwear. There might be that select group of kids but in general not so much. Junior high is like that self conscious stage where changing in the locker room you think everyone is judging you. Obviously this is just my point of view and I have no idea how guys spend their times in the locker room but I don't think they are comparing each others boxer's size. High school it's like no one even cares. Girls have no problem flaunting what they got because it's what they got, but you know who really cares.
   In many of the books I've read, lace underwear has been a good thing and a bad thing. In Shut out, by Kody Keplinger, girls were using the lingerie to seduce guys and then leave them hanging, so you can consider that playing dirty. Most of the guys weren't happy about being played. In Breaking Dawn, by Stephanie Meyers, the lingerie can represent something new and intimate between Robert and Bella. One Meg Cabot book I read was always cracking jokes at the Victoria's Secret, crotchless underwear, but someone has to wear them otherwise they wouldn't be such a big company. But with a name like that you can probably still feel sexy without having to show off your undergarments. It can be your own little secret.
     This post may lack any relevance to a story, it kind of has it's own little thing going. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

sadie_rubie's favorites

TEEN by Christopher KilkusTEEN by Christopher KilkusTeens at libraryTeen VogueTeen WolfChicago River juxtaposition - 2 ways - Oct.6.2012
Hey there viewers, just some random photos that I wanted to share.I think that eventually I will have more photos that liked on Flickr so I will have tons more to share.

sadie_rubie's favorites on Flickr.

sadie_rubie's photostream


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back to school fever

Goodbye summer, hello learning...

For many people, summer is now over and it's time to re-learn those things you may have forgotten while surfing on the beach all summer. Whether your headed to junior high, high school, or even college you might just want to sleep in. You know that thing that schools assign over the summer and pretty much nobody does it? Oh, that would be summer reading. I remember when summer reading books used to be fun and easy, but know you are stuck reading books that make you want to have to tape your eyes open to stay awake. Don't get me wrong, I have mad respect for people who will read anything and everything but I really have my preferences.

With a new year also comes schedule changes, and it can be hard when you know absolutely no one in your class. Someone smart told me to just try and make new friends because it can be fairly easy. Maybe if you try and give everybody a chance without judging them first you might have better friends. Don't judge a persons character based on their appearance or the way they act because that could really just be a front. Whenever i read a book I automatically judge a character and maybe it's natural to judge but we should all really give people chances first.

That is all I have to say for now, Maybe my next post will actually be on a book.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Shut out

What is this book really about?

  1. Who is the author? - Kody Keplinger. She wrote her first book, The DUFF, at the age of seventeen and is now a published author. The fact that she wrote the book while still in high school is pretty inspiring. Interesting fact: all the books she writes have a playlist, which I love.
  2. A rivalry: A ten year rivalry between The Hamilton High football and soccer teams, respectively. In this book, Lissa has two love interests, Randy( football player) and Cash Sterling ( soccer player).  Most high rivalries are between opposing schools but not at Hamilton high. It starts off funny and somewhat innocent, egging cars, little pranks, but then things start getting dangerous and people start getting injured.
  3. A booty call. Lissa starts the book off dating Randy but after he does things that she doesn't approve of, their relationship starts to get distant and weird. Broken promises and bribing a girl with flowers to have a good time and just leave, won't really put you in good standings with any girl.
  4. Angry girlfriends. Make out sessions being interrupted by car egging, guys ditching their girlfriends to go pull pranks on the other teams, and guys acting like their girlfriend owes them sex. Girls never really like to be the second choice at all, in fact I bet if a guy asked a girl you know out and then asked you out, you would probably be offended because he wanted her before he wanted you. So how would you feel if a guy ditched you for a pranks? You would probably agree with the girls of Hamilton High.
  5. A Sex Strike. I bet when you read this you might have been like "what a sex strike?" and I understand because those were my exact thoughts. Those angry girlfriends that I was talking about took action. Lissa rallies all the players girlfriends and get's them to go on strike until their boyfriends decide to give up the pointless rivalry.
  6. Heartbreak. No real relationship is going to go smoothly. It will have it's ups and downs and sometimes it just won't last. Lissa learns what it really is to love, and how to let someone else take control for once. This book teaches you that not everything is going to be perfect and that sometimes you might change your opinion on certain things and people.
  7. Romance: This isn't some graphic romance novel so if you are looking for that you aren't exactly going to get it. I found the book in the adult section but it really is not that bad but some things would be inappropriate for a thirteen year old.
  8. Greek Mythology: This book is a romantic re imaging of Aristophanes Lysistrata.
Kody Keplingers blog.
This was a seriously good read. Enjoy it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dear John

Sometimes I often hear people say "Why read the book when you can just watch the movie?" or "Put that book down I'll pull the movie up on the computer". It often upsets me when people never give books the real time of day. I feel as though sometimes movies can disappoint you because the leave out some of the specific details the books have. Or maybe sometimes the books are awful and the moving just made it better. One book that has a movie, Percy Jackson's the Lightning thief, that movie really upset me because I felt as if the movie could have been so much better. I left out to many scenes.Sure if every detail was included I guess the movies would go for hours and hours. After reading the book Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks, I had to watch the movie, or more like read the Wikipedia article to see if the ending was any different. To my surprise the ending was much happier and it showed hope and promise. 

 The Book

 I thought the book was simply just amazing. My friend pretty much challenged me to read every single Nicholas Sparks book, I find it a challenge only because most of the time people have checked them all out from the library. There was so much emotion and challenges. This book brought the idea that long distance relationships can be a struggle to reality. John, really wanted to marry Savannah but it is kind of hard to do that when she falls in love with someone else. John , an army soldier just trying to do the right thing, even if it means reenlisting putting his relationship with Savannah on hold. Savannah, is a sweet christian, college girl who has experienced a lot in her young age. She wants to help people with autism with the therapy of riding horses. She has a kind heart and doesn't want to hurt anybody. John gets to know Savannah after he  rescues her purse from the ocean and after a couple days of getting to know each other it's like they fall in love. "A life with out love is no life at all" 
This book does play with you emotions a little bit, because you want the main characters to be together you just aren't really sure how it's going to happen. Personally I wasn't a fan of how the book ended because I prefer to see how things are going to end. I guess a really good author can leave an ending with a suspenseful ending or cliffhanger. I felt as if the movie had a much more positive ending. But I do hope you enjoy the book.

The Boyfriend App

Are you a single girl looking for love? Have you ever put yourself out there for a guy and then discovered that he defiantly has no feelings for you, like at all? Tired of seeing all those happy couples? Well if the answer to any of those questions is pretty much yes, the Boyfriend App is right for you. The book that is, the app itself doesn't really exist. Audrey McCarthy, isn't really looking for love when she decides that she wants to make the Boyfriend app, she just wants to win a scholarship that could pay for her college in it's entirety. The Boyfriend App starts off as a basic matchmaking site. Helping high school girls find true live amongst guys they would probably never give a second look at. But a problem soon occurs.


Everything goes smoothly for many of the people using the app but the harsh reality soon comes into the picture as guys start rejecting the girls. With guys, they aren't afraid to be honest especially if they like to be jerks and make girls cry. So how can Audrey's app win her the scholarship if people keep getting their hearts broken? What happens when Audrey's ex best friend, Blake, starts getting jealous of the attention Audrey is getting?  Audrey has never had this kind of attention before and having a celebrity involved too, it's very overwhelming. After her father's death all she wanted to do was blend in and after being bullied and made a fool of maybe it's a good thing when Audrey starts standing out in a more positive way.

Follow Audrey on this crazy journey of love, heartbreak, blackmail, and bullying. You won't be bored.

Friday, August 2, 2013

New Steps

Today begins chapter one. Seriously, I'm starting my book today because I'm tired of starting things and never finishing. Well some things are about to change. Wish me luck because I seriously don't know where to start. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Teen wolf :)

You either like it or you don't....

If you don't know who Stiles is, then I highly suggest that you get to know him. He is the major comic relief in the hit show, commonly watched by teens, Teen Wolf. This show is the bomb...

Ok now I just shared some pictures of my favorite clips of the show. I think you'll come to find that the jokes and innuendos in the show get better as the show goes along. It's the simple humor and the building up in intensity. Sometimes you might want to punch a character and other times you'll want to kiss them. The great part about the television show is that, unlike a book that hasn't been made into a movie yet, you are able to enjoy a live action show. Hot shirtless guys turning into Werewolves??? Like thank you. That constant battle where you are trying to figure out how old the characters on the show are. Derrick Hale, how old are you and your family members? 

Now... I know what you must be thinking, this is a book blog so why are you talking about some lame MTV television show? One Teen Wolf is not lame and once you watch one episode you will become very much addicted. I recommended this show to a FORTY-TWO YEAR OLD MAN and he watched four episodes in one day. I think my skills of knowing what people like are pretty amazing. If you don't agree, then I'm sorry but I'm not sorry. I hope you at least take the time, if you don't watch it already, to give it a chance. Two, because this is my blog I can pretty much talk about whatever I want on it that kind of goes with it. Maybe I'll even talk about fashion if it goes with a book I'm talking about. The thing is, maybe you don't like werewolves or shows about being in high school, but it is a good idea to keep an open mind and listen to other peoples opinions for a change. I could blog about the show you days, I love it that much. I just want to give people a chance to try and enjoy it as much as I do, without shoving it down their throats.  

Get to know Scott Mcall and his best friend Stiles on this awesome show.

The ultimate mission