Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Um Twilight...?

If you are a dedicated 'Twihard', I'm about to blow your mind, make you angry, and raise your standards all in one post, but not necessarily in that order. I'm not going to lie I may have joined that Twilight bandwagon back in junior high, but I really wasn't into the books at all. I really wasn't a fan of the movie either. The books to me, no offense to Stephenie  Meyer, really didn't give me a long lasting impression nor did I find myself really into picking "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward". I will admit one thing though, I love when books become movies, especially when it's a really good book. It gives you an idea on how the image in your head of how you see the book can be the same as someone else.
I'm sorry, but I thought  that the "I feel very protective of you" comment was just creepy, rather than romantic. Maybe that's just me.  Back when Vampire books were all the rage, I came across one that changed my life forever...

Vampire Academy

Have you heard about the new movie coming out called Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters? Well it's based off the book with the same title and it's by Richelle Mead. I started reading the books I think in seventh, maybe eighth grade, but believe me this series is a really good read. Not everybody can write a really good vampire story and make it sound like something more original than vampires are afraid of the light. These books introduce you to a new take on vampires. The series consists of six amazingly written books in the point of view from Rose Hathaway, a Dhampir. The spin off series which, in my opinion, is even better is called Bloodlines and it follows an alchemist named Sydney Sage.I have read three of the spin off series and am really impressed but also depressed because the fourth book doesn't come out until November.  Now I really can't talk about each book individually because that would be a giant spoiler. These may or may not be fast reads for you, if you really want to know whats  happens and are a good reader, chances are you'll be done very soon with the series. I will give you a run down of some of the things you'll be introduced to in these books. 

Vampire lingo

  1. Moroi: Good vampires that don't like to harm human beings. In the magic realm, they are pretty much the most important people and are protected by dhampirs. They have the ability to possess magic powers such as, water, earth, fire,and spirit. 
  2. Spirit: One of the most conflicting things for a vampire to control power of. Causes the controller to often go crazy and many people fear it. 
  3. Strigoi: The bad vampires. Anyone can be turned into them. Humans, Dhampirs, and Moroi, can willingly change into a Strogoi and are basically at that point immoral. As you read the series, it becomes discovered that they can be changed back,  by a spirit user. 
  4. Dhampirs: In Vampire Academy, the main character is a Dhampir. They are a hybrid race of human and vampire. They are more human because they don't have the characteristics of a Moroi. They are raised to become gaurdians of the Moroi. They are trained to fight and protect and if they have to, kill Strigoi. Dhampirs who c.hoose a different path can become blood whores or not fight at all. Every Dhampir at least has the basic training. Being a dhampir, according to alchemists, is unnatural and the can't be trusted.

Remaining thoughts...

 These books, really leave an impression. You'll  find yourself wanting more and falling in love with the many different characters.  Let me know how you feel about the series and if you don't  like it I'll include your thoughts in a post.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How about a movie?

Clip of the day: Easy A 

Today I watched the movie, Easy A, for the first time and I simply just laughed. Most people who know me might know that it really doesn't take much to make me laugh, and well, this movie really did. I feel like there were just some moments that made you laugh even if it really didn't strike as something super funny. I'm the same person who laughs every time someone gets hurt in a movie or book when I know I should feel bad. This clip takes a stupid song and turns it into something funny.
Sometimes the craziest things can inspire you.

Queen of Babble Continues!!!!

Howdy Campers,

I just finished, The Queen Of Babble series by Meg Cabot. Wha-?! I know what you're thinking, there was a series? Why yes there was. I guess you could call it a trilogy, not a blood gushing vampire one, but a laugh your butt off, makes you want to question your relationships and question whether or not if you are actually in love. I'm not going to lie on the last book I kind of just wanted to know the ending really bad so I just read it. I read the beginning and the end and it wasn't until I was about to return it to the library that I actually started reading the  middle.  I loved it. So much. Are you lost? Confused? Not sure exactly what I'm talking about? I'll Clarify

  • The Queen of Babble: This was the first book in the series, I talked about it in the previous post. It was hilarious, like made me want to pee my pants. It wasn't even overly humorous it just had the perfect amount of comments that just made you think.Meet Lizzie in this funny tale. Imagine believing you were in love with some perfect British guy and then realizing he was just a fake guy trying to play a game of hide the sausage with a girl he told his parents was chubby and naive. Then try to imagine meeting an incredibly hot guy, venting your heart out thinking you'll never really see him again, and then realizing that you'll be staying at this hot guys house for the rest of the summer. Awkward.

    The Queen of Babble In The Big City:  So the story continues, Lizzie's adventure is just starting. Lizzie loves restoring gowns, so what happens when she's to over qualified to just that.  No ones taking her seriously, hoping her little "hobby" will pass.  It's funny how when we get so into what we do for other people, you start wanting those things to happen to you. So what is Lizzie to do when her commitment scared boyfriend Luke, mocks her idea's of marriage. So many things happen in this book your going to want to keep reading. Will Lizzie realize that even though a gorgeous guy can seem perfect he might not be right for her?

    The Queen of Babble gets Hitched: I know what your thinking, obviously Lizzie is getting married so no need to read this book. Wrong, because it might not really be what you expect or with whom you expected to be with in the first place. This book is all about loss, trust, finding out that there is such a thing as too perfect. Lizzie learns that if someone can't love her enough to know that she likes her wine with a glass of ice, he isn't worth her time. Reading this book you might learn a little about yourself too. There is a perfect amount of humor in this book too. I had people asking me why I was laughing so hard, believe me it's hard to control tears okay.

    This is a series that won't disappoint. It wasn't boring in the slightest and if you give it a chance you won't regret it.
    Read it. Love it. Share it.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A white little envelope...

Yesterday at work, something caught my eyes. I wasn't sure at first what it was but then I picked it up and discovered it was nothing more than a small, square envelope. The kind that important letters or tiny notes of love and hope come in. But it was empty. I suddenly just had an urge to write, what exactly, now that was the real question. I simply wanted to write something amazing, something worth being put in that envelope. I guess the real reason I'm talking about something so basic is that, for a second it was inspiration, mind tingling motivation to just write. I want to be a published author one day so that feeling, that bubbly, jittery, I need to write something now feeling, is everything I want and more. 

Something called inspiration
           -Mercy Me

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Going to a Library...

Have you ever just walked into some magical place and just thought  to yourself, "man I could live here"? That's how I feel whenever I go to the library. I even feel that way when I get ebooks from the library online. It's a crazy thing how one library card and 4 digit pin code can grant you access to the hundreds and thousands of books a library can contain. I love it. That feeling being able to check out a book, knowing that you'll be back soon to check out more. To me it's like heaven. I live by the three R's, Running, Reading and W(R)iting.  Will I soon be able to join the shelves with an award winning title that people wait on hold list to read? 

Will I follow my dreams?

Two Books in One day.

Two books in one day, can you handle it? Well, today I completed two books. When I say completed, I mean I got a head start on one yesterday and today I just wanted to read. Let's just say my new library card is definitely going to be put to use.  I also started writing again, I've probably started five stories but I'm finding it a challenge to stick with it.  I have the hardest time committing to an idea. Does this make me afraid of commitments? Do good authors have to experience things before their stories actually become believable? What to do? Writers block? I'm going to have to say no, I just lack the ideas to currently write a publishable story. Oh wait it's a book blog so I guess you probably want to hear about those books I was reading.

Out Of Sight Out Of Time by Ally Carter

So now that I think about it, I've never really talked about my love for the Gallagher Girls Series or how I'm really into spy novels. Actually I might have mentioned the spy part. See I guess the realest thing about spy novels is how there always seem to be life threatening situations. Well I know if someone was after me in real life I would do anything and everything in my power to find out who is after me and why. This is the fifth book of the series so i do apologize for just jumping into discussing this book without talking about the ones that came before it. But this book was amazing and I want to talk about it even without spoiling the little details.

It all started with, "I'd tell you I love you but then I'd Have to Kill you", this is the first book of the series where we are introduced to Cammie Morgan. She's a girl who grew up in a boarding school she called home, the headmistress being her mom and all, and having a dad who has been missing for years. It is in this first book where Cammie is introduced to boys, after all going to a spy school for girls you don't particularly learn how to flirt with guys.  Even in the fifth book of the series, Cammie still has trouble dealing with emotions and how to act, but has a guy willing to die for her. Ally Carter has a way with staying focused on the mission at hand so romance, although it adds a nice touch to the series, comes in a splash so that it is not overdone but it really just makes you want more.

Honestly this book will have you racing through it, wanting to understand every little detail and you get to know Cammie even without knowing everything. See what I just did there? I told you a lotof information without really telling you what happens in  this novel. I'm sorry for that but I don't want to spoil it either. But if you really like this book you'll be kind of excited to know that it isn't the last one and more questions will be answered. I started this series in 7th grade so it's grown on me, Why Hasn't It Become A Movie yet?

Oh Wait I'm not done yet. 

Queen Of Babble by Meg Cabot

Well you'll never guess where this novel takes place.....

Europe, well more specifically England and France.  If you think I babble a lot and actually enjoy what I have to say, maybe you might want to have ago and read this book.

Meet Lizzie Nichols, a girl who individually majors in History of Fashion. Well fashion is her passion. If you thought your friends judged you on the way you dress, here is a girl who can tell you your exact personality and the type of things you enjoy with it. Well like every good story Lizzie falls in love, well at least she thinks  she is in love with a guy she met in college, who just so happens to be British. The thing about babbling, you soon learn that even if you talk a whole bunch you are not fine with lying for someone and that is exactly what Lizzie soon realizes. Soon Lizzie finds herself wishing she hadn't taken the risk of going to Europe to stay with a guy a\who hasn't seen her in three months (a whole lot can happen by the way), and that she hadn't done things. So Lizzie finds herself on an adventure taking up an invitation that her best friend Shari, had given her to come to France for the summer. Man as I said a lot can happen in three month, just like a lot can happen in a few days. Will Lizzie discover what real love is? Will her skills in fashion ever become handy? What is that thing I was speaking of? Well you just have to read it to find out. You'll really enjoy this book I know I did. Oh wait it has a sequel too!

Hahah happy reading with love,
    -Mercy Me

Friday, July 12, 2013

Lost in Time

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I guess natural things like work, volunteering, and hanging out with friends have just gotten the best of me. I mean in this world of technology, with the realistic video games and the star studded movies, does anyone have time for books anymore? I mean of course the answer is yes but it's kind of sad that for many of the people they only respect books when they turn into movies. "Safe Haven" by Nicholas Sparks, the book is way better than the movie but Julianne Hough performance in this portrayal of the novel was just fantastic. I've been reading some amazing books recently so it's time to give my blog some. TLC :)
thanks for keeping up with me

With love,
       - Mercy Me