Emily Evans and her creations
So theses books are not related to each other at all. The story lines are all different but surprisingly are all set at the same high school, Trallwyn. On the plus side they all have happy endings. :)
Boarding School Experiment

This book was different, I'm not sure how exactly to describe it but I guess you could say that it was really different from a lot of the books that I've read. It had a love-hate relationship, action/ adventure, kissing, drama, steroids and I didn't want it to end. So if your into boarding school teen adventures I guess this book would be a good choice for you to read.
In My opinion
I would recommend this book to my friends but It's not a book that I can read over again. I don't have a problem with Emily Evans writing obviously but this just wasn't my favorite . I ranking for this novel would 3 stars out of 5. I'd give it about a 5.5 out of ten. Of course don't decide not to read it because I didn't like it. No you should find it, read it, and tell me what you think. My opinions aren't set in stone, I want to know if you agree or not.
Epic Escape

What if you could go on a secret adventure with your best friend, a guy she would never admit to liking, and your secret crush? If you can barely talk to him at school how can you expect to go on an adventure with him? Well that's what this book is all about. Megan just cares about fashion that's what she loves to study. Her secret crush hates commitments and is the most popular guy in school, mainly with the ladies if you catch my drift, but every time she wants to say something to him she just stares. Will her best friend loosen up to actually be happy for once? Will there be a happy ending?
What I thought?
I'd give this book an 8 because it was really cute. It's easy to relate to, aside from the whole getting sucked into some crazy adventure with vampires and killers? Sometimes you have to look at the books you read and remember if you want a happy ending you have to make one. Everyone should read this, can't really remember all the lines but I think there may have been some funny parts and some sad parts. But tell me what you think about this book please.
Do Over
Currently .99 cents on Amazon.com as kindle E Book |
So I guess you could say I saved my favorite for last. It's a book about finding the best prom date, learning that there are jerks out there, and getting to know someone for who they really are and not just the image they put on for show. Meet Paisley a girl who is on the mission to plan the perfect prom, find the perfect date, and possibly get her parents back together. So when her dad tells her to find a nice girl for his star athlete, Trey, her priorities start to change. He's hot, smart, and has a new girlfriend every week. You just can't help but think it's not going to end well.
I loved it
I guess you could say that header says it all... I really loved, no enjoyed this book. I read it 5 times. I hate reading books more than once because i already know what happens. But every time I read this book I learned something new. It really teaches you that you don't have to be a slut to get a guys attention. A guy might be a great kisser but he might be a jerk too. You never really know. There were many funny parts to this book. I rolled my eyes many times and I was just so impressed. This is a hot book. Read it, love it, enjoy it and most importantly tell me if my opinion was yours too! Your not going to love every book but you should really love this one. It's a perfect ten.
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