What is this book really about?
- Who is the author? - Kody Keplinger. She wrote her first book, The DUFF, at the age of seventeen and is now a published author. The fact that she wrote the book while still in high school is pretty inspiring. Interesting fact: all the books she writes have a playlist, which I love.
- A rivalry: A ten year rivalry between The Hamilton High football and soccer teams, respectively. In this book, Lissa has two love interests, Randy( football player) and Cash Sterling ( soccer player). Most high rivalries are between opposing schools but not at Hamilton high. It starts off funny and somewhat innocent, egging cars, little pranks, but then things start getting dangerous and people start getting injured.
- A booty call. Lissa starts the book off dating Randy but after he does things that she doesn't approve of, their relationship starts to get distant and weird. Broken promises and bribing a girl with flowers to have a good time and just leave, won't really put you in good standings with any girl.
- Angry girlfriends. Make out sessions being interrupted by car egging, guys ditching their girlfriends to go pull pranks on the other teams, and guys acting like their girlfriend owes them sex. Girls never really like to be the second choice at all, in fact I bet if a guy asked a girl you know out and then asked you out, you would probably be offended because he wanted her before he wanted you. So how would you feel if a guy ditched you for a pranks? You would probably agree with the girls of Hamilton High.
- A Sex Strike. I bet when you read this you might have been like "what a sex strike?" and I understand because those were my exact thoughts. Those angry girlfriends that I was talking about took action. Lissa rallies all the players girlfriends and get's them to go on strike until their boyfriends decide to give up the pointless rivalry.
- Heartbreak. No real relationship is going to go smoothly. It will have it's ups and downs and sometimes it just won't last. Lissa learns what it really is to love, and how to let someone else take control for once. This book teaches you that not everything is going to be perfect and that sometimes you might change your opinion on certain things and people.
- Romance: This isn't some graphic romance novel so if you are looking for that you aren't exactly going to get it. I found the book in the adult section but it really is not that bad but some things would be inappropriate for a thirteen year old.
- Greek Mythology: This book is a romantic re imaging of Aristophanes Lysistrata.

This was a seriously good read. Enjoy it.
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