You know what? I just feel like being really random and really weird because it just seems like I have nothing better to do obviously. :( Yesterday was "ManCrushMonday" or "ManCandyMonday", basically every female in the online world tweet about their crushes, and favorite guy celebs. Basically if you ever hear of the term "thirsty", then you already know when it comes to Monday's, the thirst is real. Tweeting about these crushes just creates a less awkward way for someone to tell someone they like them without being weird. Sometimes it's just friends messing around with each other and it just sets a lighthearted atmosphere. Hey, I'll even admit to it, Monday's even I'm tweeting about man crushes. I'll probably never understand why "WhiteGirlWednesday" is so popular, but you know what ever floats your boat.
Yesterday was just different because I was just tweeting like I seriously had nothing better to do, like it was ridiculous. There are some people who practically live on Twitter but they make it work. I on the other hand, should not be allowed on twitter some days unless I'm live tweeting about falling to my sudden death. But even then my death should be sudden and if it's not I should be more focused on surviving rather than tweeting. There have been moments when I just feel like that sudden creative burst and then twitter comes up on my screen and I just go at it. Obviously whenever that happens in the future I should finish writing my book, rather than tweeting about the kid in my fifth period class. Not that I do that, more like the kid in my first.
Sometimes I love being apart of social media, even though it's not always the best you can seriously be introduced to some of the coolest things. Like who doesn't love those hilarious vine fails that get put on Facebook all the time. Seriously the only reason I go on there. I love those days where I can just talk about anything, which just really is me talking about nothing... It's fun.
On a random note I could really use some of these...
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
A creative burst of energy.
Do you ever just feel the need to make something? Like something awesome? Like you really just want to be so creative and use your imagination and make something that everyone wants? Well I always want to do that, and then I remember that I'm a broke teenager... Tragic, right? I'm not sure how having more money would affect me, but I definitely would do more. I think I would wear cooler clothes and do more crazy DIY projects. Spending my parents money is okay, but I try not to do it.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Wall?
What the wall means to me
Whenever I think of a wall I think about running and being stuck. I feel like once your there you can't get past it. A wall was put up for a reason, obviously you weren't meant to get by. When I think of walls I think of things that people were meant to overcome. Putting up a wall isolates people, it separates you from things that you could be apart of. Putting up a wall means you want to keep something or someone out, it's like you are trying to protect yourself from something and sometimes not letting people in can cause problems. I feel like for writers, walls can represent some type of writer's block that can feel impassable. But in the end if people couldn't overcome writer's block there would be no stories to read! But fortunately people have overcome it."The walls came tumbling down in the city that we loved," sometimes the safest places can fall apart. We put ourselves behind walls because we don't want people hurting us, because when they do you feel weak. Once that weakness is felt we create even bigger barriers. It's a hard thing to do, let someone in. You never know who to trust or who is really going to hear you. I put up my walls because there are many times where I'm just embarrassed. I'm using this blog to share some of my thoughts with the world and it helps. I'm breaking down my own walls because I'm not trying to be stuck in a place where no one understands me. I want to be understood and I want to have a voice. One thing I keep telling myself is, what happens if I publish a book and the people closet to me judge my creativity? It would be awkward, but I'm not trying to have some anonymous pen name. Hiding isn't for me. That quote was from the song, Pompeii, and it's a really great song. It has a great message.
A wall doesn't just have to be a barrier it can be something that inspires you. Who doesn't enjoy decorating their bedroom walls because it makes the room more personal. Walls don't have to be bad things that hold you back. They can support you, you can build them, break them. You define what a wall means to you. Hey, even Miley Cyrus talks about breaking down walls in her song Wrecking ball.
Maze Runner by, James Dashner
" klunk"
" green bean"
" Med-jack"
Words that make absolutely no sense to you or me but to the Gladers this is just part of their everyday language.The Glader's have been stuck in their own little world for two years. They have created a system that keeps people busy so that they don't have to worry about anyone going crazy. Panic, something that naturally comes to people when they are placed in very stressful situations where it seems like any hope of succeeding is impossible.The Gladers have hope, it's like they no that if they can just survive and maintain order, they will be able to make it out alive.
Something is different for Thomas, because for him, this new world seems strangely familiar. He knows right away when that he wants to become a maze runner even if that means he has to face the horrendous grievers. No one really like's going out into the maze and for the people that do, it's a serious job and they don't plan on getting stuck out there.
The Glader's are just trying to find one way to escape. Their homestead has doors that close at the same time every single night to protect them from the dangers lurking outside. Outside those doors is a maze that changes it's pattern every single day. If you get stuck in that maze at night chances are, you aren't coming back.
This book has a lot going on. When first saw it I really didn't want to read it because I really thought it wasn't going to be worth it. It was different from all the girly books I read. I learned that it was going to be turned into a movie and that Dylan O' Brian was going to be in it so I then decided that I needed to read it. I really do prefer to read books before watching the movies. But I was also happy to learn that this book is apart of a series. It really is a good read. I learned very interesting words and I really started liking the characters. It shows you what lengths people are willing to go through to survive. Change can be a hard thing to deal with and the Gladers experience it. Would you be able to survive on your own with a bunch of teenagers? There has to be some order, someone leading the pack. A system has to be created and someone has to be smart enough to come up with it.
" klunk"
" green bean"
" Med-jack"
Words that make absolutely no sense to you or me but to the Gladers this is just part of their everyday language.The Glader's have been stuck in their own little world for two years. They have created a system that keeps people busy so that they don't have to worry about anyone going crazy. Panic, something that naturally comes to people when they are placed in very stressful situations where it seems like any hope of succeeding is impossible.The Gladers have hope, it's like they no that if they can just survive and maintain order, they will be able to make it out alive.
The Story
The book is about a boy named Thomas, who get's sent up through a box into a world full of young teenage boys who see Thomas's arrival as nothing out of the ordinary. For them it's been going on every month for the past two years. To the boys Thomas is just a green bean, a new guy. and will be put to work just like the rest of them. All the boys have one thing in common, they arrived through the box with no memory of where they came from, who their parents are, why they were sent. All they know is there first name, and that they should be scared.
The Glader's are just trying to find one way to escape. Their homestead has doors that close at the same time every single night to protect them from the dangers lurking outside. Outside those doors is a maze that changes it's pattern every single day. If you get stuck in that maze at night chances are, you aren't coming back.
My Thoughts...

Monday, September 9, 2013
The Chronicles of a Death foretold.
Well I had to read this book for school and while many pretty would much rather do anything and everything else I actually enjoyed what I read. I think it was because I knew what was going to happen and I remember a teacher talking about this book my sophomore year. It was a really short read and it wasn't anything that made you want to gorge your eyes out. Pleasurable would be a good word for it. But the thing is it tells you how the book is going to end. The title itself suggests someone is going to die. But there is a real lesson to the whole book. It's about honor and how a simple lie can change a person's life. Miscommunication, many things would not have occurred in the novel if people actually told someone what was going to happen.
Think about it... Everyone in the town knows that these guys are after you and they are planning on killing you. Seems like a pretty good thing to warn somebody about. You know warn a brother. Now realize that everyone in the town has come under the assumption that you already know. Yes, some guys are after me and I'm just going to nonchalantly gallivant across town. Can I get a hell no? It also doesn't help if you have vengeful housekeepers who would much rather see you dead than give you a heads up. Plain and simple, you're screwed.
Angela Vicario - A dishonored bride. She was returned to her family on her wedding night for not being a virgin. She blamed Santiago for being her perpetrator.
Pedro Vicario - One of the twins, and Angela's brother. Was in the army and is the more serious twin.
Pablo Vicario - One of the twins and insists on committing the murder of Santiago Nasar.
These are sort of the main characters, sure there a lot of other supporting characters who help bring the story together. One of those being the narrator who was a very good friend of Santiago's. He is also Angela Vicario's cousin so he plays a big role in how we feel about Santiago being murdered.
Think about it... Everyone in the town knows that these guys are after you and they are planning on killing you. Seems like a pretty good thing to warn somebody about. You know warn a brother. Now realize that everyone in the town has come under the assumption that you already know. Yes, some guys are after me and I'm just going to nonchalantly gallivant across town. Can I get a hell no? It also doesn't help if you have vengeful housekeepers who would much rather see you dead than give you a heads up. Plain and simple, you're screwed.
Who? ( Are the characters)
Santiago Nasar - The main protagonist who is murdered the day after Angela Vicario's wedding. At the beginning of the book you already know he is going to die.Angela Vicario - A dishonored bride. She was returned to her family on her wedding night for not being a virgin. She blamed Santiago for being her perpetrator.
Pedro Vicario - One of the twins, and Angela's brother. Was in the army and is the more serious twin.
Pablo Vicario - One of the twins and insists on committing the murder of Santiago Nasar.
These are sort of the main characters, sure there a lot of other supporting characters who help bring the story together. One of those being the narrator who was a very good friend of Santiago's. He is also Angela Vicario's cousin so he plays a big role in how we feel about Santiago being murdered.
When it comes to motif's, honor was definitely a big one. The Vicario brother's didn't just wake up one morning and say, "hey let's go kill that rich Arab guy". No they had a reason, a motive to kill and that was to restore their sister's honor. There is a hundred percent chance that they would have killed anybody else their sister had named. It wasn't personal, they had to do it.Sunday, September 1, 2013
Well, it's been a bit...
I haven't really blogged in awhile. But I've been trying to think of something really awesome to bring people to my blog. I don't want to talk about meaningless things or waste anyone's time. I want to bring people to my blog because they want to read it.
Guess who now has Microsoft Word on their laptop now? This girl! I am so excited because it means let the games begin and let the novel writing start. The one thing I know I'll probably hate experiencing is writer's block. One good thing though is that I've been talking to authors such as Piper Shelly, and Sophie Davis. They have given me some really great advice. I really want to publish a book before I'm 18, because I know I can and that I have the skill set too. I really want to write a book that can be read by everybody. I'm not trying to just write girly fluffy novels where the sun sets and everyone lives happily ever after. Uh, no thank you. Someone has got to go and some hearts have to be broken. It's just how I roll.
Another thing, I know that I have that list of books that I said I'd talk about but that list is going bye-bye. Maybe I'll talk about Catch-22 and a couple of the other books I read for school to give a good literary analysis.It is a really important thing to talk about multiple types of books.
More posts coming soon....
It's been real ✌
Guess who now has Microsoft Word on their laptop now? This girl! I am so excited because it means let the games begin and let the novel writing start. The one thing I know I'll probably hate experiencing is writer's block. One good thing though is that I've been talking to authors such as Piper Shelly, and Sophie Davis. They have given me some really great advice. I really want to publish a book before I'm 18, because I know I can and that I have the skill set too. I really want to write a book that can be read by everybody. I'm not trying to just write girly fluffy novels where the sun sets and everyone lives happily ever after. Uh, no thank you. Someone has got to go and some hearts have to be broken. It's just how I roll.
Another thing, I know that I have that list of books that I said I'd talk about but that list is going bye-bye. Maybe I'll talk about Catch-22 and a couple of the other books I read for school to give a good literary analysis.It is a really important thing to talk about multiple types of books.
More posts coming soon....
It's been real ✌
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