What the wall means to me
Whenever I think of a wall I think about running and being stuck. I feel like once your there you can't get past it. A wall was put up for a reason, obviously you weren't meant to get by. When I think of walls I think of things that people were meant to overcome. Putting up a wall isolates people, it separates you from things that you could be apart of. Putting up a wall means you want to keep something or someone out, it's like you are trying to protect yourself from something and sometimes not letting people in can cause problems. I feel like for writers, walls can represent some type of writer's block that can feel impassable. But in the end if people couldn't overcome writer's block there would be no stories to read! But fortunately people have overcome it."The walls came tumbling down in the city that we loved," sometimes the safest places can fall apart. We put ourselves behind walls because we don't want people hurting us, because when they do you feel weak. Once that weakness is felt we create even bigger barriers. It's a hard thing to do, let someone in. You never know who to trust or who is really going to hear you. I put up my walls because there are many times where I'm just embarrassed. I'm using this blog to share some of my thoughts with the world and it helps. I'm breaking down my own walls because I'm not trying to be stuck in a place where no one understands me. I want to be understood and I want to have a voice. One thing I keep telling myself is, what happens if I publish a book and the people closet to me judge my creativity? It would be awkward, but I'm not trying to have some anonymous pen name. Hiding isn't for me. That quote was from the song, Pompeii, and it's a really great song. It has a great message.
A wall doesn't just have to be a barrier it can be something that inspires you. Who doesn't enjoy decorating their bedroom walls because it makes the room more personal. Walls don't have to be bad things that hold you back. They can support you, you can build them, break them. You define what a wall means to you. Hey, even Miley Cyrus talks about breaking down walls in her song Wrecking ball.
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