Sunday, February 2, 2014

Slutty brownies...

Now that I have captured your attention, if you don't know what slutty brownies are I'll explain them to you. My friends freaked out when they heard that name. "Slutty brownies oh my God, Mercedes  what are you doing?!" I couldn't stop laughing, the text messages kept coming, "do we need to talk about something..." it was like they thought I was going insane, which is probably true... I'm not going to lie when I told my mom she had this alarmed shock look on her face like I was out of my mind. She was all like "I'm telling your father, how's he going to feel about his daughter talking about sluts," it was actually kind of funny.

 Getting to know slutty brownies...

I discovered this cool brownie picture on Pinterest one day when I was bored and then I realized I could actually make them.Slutty brownies are one layer cookie dough topped with Oreos and then cover with brownie mix. They are super easy to make because you just bake them until the brownies are cooked all the way.  After baking them in the oven and letting them cool for a bit, they are ready to eat and they taste heavenly. My family pretty much enjoyed them they were so addictive. When I was at the store buying the ingredients for the brownies my phone was being blown up. My friend who I quoted earlier had asked me if "slutty brownies" was code for weed brownies. Like how crazy would I have to be to make weed brownies, let alone feed them to my family. I really couldn't stop laughing when I read that text because it so so unexpected. I'm about 99.9% sure that she didn't believe me when I said no. I mean even though my friends and pretty much everyone else thought I was crazy at least the brownies tasted good.

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