Seriously in many of the books I read, shows I watch, movies that are pretty hot and even in real life love triangles are pretty much everywhere. Those Twilight fans who were all "team Edward" and " Team Jacob" and I'm just team can you not. I'm not going to lie when I first read Twilight I was into it, into it enough to throw my book against the wall. But I was never really for a character. Of course when the movies came out people were going to pick the hotter guy, or the character they loved the most. Even in The Hunger Games people picked a team. Of course in the end Katniss picked the right guy and I was happy. It sucks when a character picks the wrong guy, or girl. It makes you so angry because it's like everything you hoped and wished for, fell through the cracks. Everyone was so mad when Katniss didn't pick Gale and I was all happy and giggling to myself, like that's right snitches I won this time. Granted I'm really weird so I actually did do that.
Did you ever watch the show THE NINE LIVES OF CHLOE KING, you know that ABC family show that got canceled after the first season? If so you already know that love triangle. I was so pissed when it got cancelled too. I finally had the time to read that released script of the never made movie. Talk about closure. I was finally able to smile and I was inspired to write like a movie/ television script. Of course I still want to write books but that script looked so simple. And guess what Chloe picked the right guy. If you have any idea of what I'm talking about check out the link: :The Nine Lives of Chloe King final script , if not carry on. I won't say who she picks though you have to read it.

It's all a matter of perspective i guess. Besides the love triangle isn't officially going, things are just you know alluded to. It's funny because there are a lot more shows too that teens are into that have theses triangles. Like Teen Wolf, and Awkward, heck even Glee had them.
As for real life love triangles, there are probably millions. I could talk about people that I know and their relationships or the people that I like, but it doesn't really matter. Those who need to know, know.
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