Often enough we judge people, places and things by the way they look. If this doesn't apply to you well then good for you. But if this idea does apply to you do you ever just wonder if people judge you the same way and it bothers you because unless you're a mind reader how are you supposed to know what that person is thinking?
One of my coworkers laughs at me all the time and she literally thinks it's adorable how I have all these thoughts and beliefs about people. She told me to give it a few years and the thought would go away. Today she was joking with me and said I was shallow but she later said that I'm honestly too young to be shallow. She said that with time the things I wanted would be different, "see now you want a buff guy with an eight pack but when you're older you'll want a guy with a nice 401 k". She has made it her life's mission to set me up with someone. But when I do judge people I really do feel bad sometimes. Looks can be deceiving just because someone looks like a 10 does not make them a good person at all. Their personality is also a factor.
I have another question for you. Do you ever just feel like everyone around you is in a relationship but you are the only single one? That's probably not true but hey it happens. Also we've discovered that I can't tell the difference between flirting and just talking to someone. When you don't have experience in that area it all sounds the same. I'm such a dork it's ridiculous. Now when it comes to crushes I like to shoot for the stars. I'll have a crush on someone I know I'll never have a chance with and that's just how I like it. It's strange and maybe it makes me shallow but it's just how I currently see things.
If you used to know me you need to know this now. I am way more confident than I was before. I've done things in the past few weeks that have even surprised myself. Before if you would have walked past me I would have just ignored you but now I say hello. I'm not afraid to talk and I'm not afraid to be myself. Confidence is key and I'm not tolerating mediocrity and or bull. Funny, it's like a lot of my post are about relationships and I know nothing about them.
Hopefully my next post will make much more sense.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Procrastinating on life.
I am a blogger. I have this pretty little blog where I post my thoughts and the things that interest me and keep it up to date, or so I tell myself. To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I checked my blog let alone wrote something. I keep telling myself I'll check it later or come back and look at it when I have the time. WHEN I HAVE THE TIME? Let's be real here, if I have time to think about something I probably have the time to check it. It's like telling a friend that you were going to text them but you didn't have the time. Yet you had enough time to check your Twitter or Instagram and watch your favorite show, but you did not have the time to text me. But I'm not referring to the fact that someone forgot to text me, to be honest I'm not keeping tabs. I'm referencing the fact that when it comes to life we the way we do things can be some what strange. When did checking social media become more important than checking on you're actual friends. That's friends not followers, the people you call when you need to lean on someone shoulders, not the people you send out philosophical quotes to in hopes of getting an unrealistic number of likes.
We have become a 140 characters or less society. If you can't grasp my attention in that many words , chances are I'm going to be bored. Sure there are moments when you have to sit through conversations, but after awhile the things you don't want to hear get ignored and you move one. I told myself I wanted to be a writer, well I don't see any New York Times best seller with my name on it, let alone actually written a book. I'll tell myself you can write later, it won't take that long to write a book. I want to, I want to write a book, but it's the life experience I lack on. Maybe I lack imagination. I don't even know what this blog is for anymore. Sometimes people, we let things pass us by when really we need to just take every chance and opportunity we have. It's not enough just to dream anymore, you have to go after the things you want.
I have this blog and I'm pretty sure no one reads it.
We have become a 140 characters or less society. If you can't grasp my attention in that many words , chances are I'm going to be bored. Sure there are moments when you have to sit through conversations, but after awhile the things you don't want to hear get ignored and you move one. I told myself I wanted to be a writer, well I don't see any New York Times best seller with my name on it, let alone actually written a book. I'll tell myself you can write later, it won't take that long to write a book. I want to, I want to write a book, but it's the life experience I lack on. Maybe I lack imagination. I don't even know what this blog is for anymore. Sometimes people, we let things pass us by when really we need to just take every chance and opportunity we have. It's not enough just to dream anymore, you have to go after the things you want.
I have this blog and I'm pretty sure no one reads it.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
New phone
See I got a new phone again so in honor of that I decided that it was time I made a blog post from a mobile device. I guess it's going to take some getting used to this phone is the same size as my face. I think it's cool and a whole lot faster than my last phone. My goal is to learn the ins and out of my phone and basically other technology so I can use everything efficiently. I think it's important to know everything you possibly can about something. Please excuse any typos.
Xoxo Mercedes
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
New music, fandoms and hot boys...
It seems that everywhere I look there are new bands and people just trying to make their mark on the world. People taking risks to just follow their dreams no matter what. It's all about believing in yourself. Sometimes it feels like I end up getting into new groups when they are well established and others sometimes I'll find them when they are new. I hate feeling like a fan who just jumps on a bandwagon and follows where the most famous people go. But when music or people are just so amazing you just want to follow them. It's crazy being 18 and then seeing other people close yo my age you are so successful.
I previously said I was going to talk about The Janoskians and I will, and I'll also talk about Brandyn Burnette. I honestly think when it comes to famous people you just kind of wonder what it would be like to know them and not because they can share their fame with you but because they were normal once too. Everyone has a cool personal story and you just kind of want to know it. But it's personal and if they choose to share that's cool too. But it's probably hard not knowing everyone's motives. In fact I do believe one of the members of The Janoskians tweeted something like that not too long ago :
It's crazy how that group is just a crazy bunch of friends doing what they love and having a good time. I would love to have a friendship like that where no matter what you don't have to stress and you can just have fun. Because life should be fun and friendship shouldn't be stressful.
Social media is a pretty cool thing because it helps you get an idea of who people are and Brandyn seems like a pretty awesome person and his music rocks. It's pretty cool knowing that with all those followers he still tries to make an effort to respond to all the tweets. If you don't believe me follow him yourself.
I probably have way more to say but I'm going to stop for now before I sound too much of a fangirl.
Well have fun check out the music and enjoy life more to come
I previously said I was going to talk about The Janoskians and I will, and I'll also talk about Brandyn Burnette. I honestly think when it comes to famous people you just kind of wonder what it would be like to know them and not because they can share their fame with you but because they were normal once too. Everyone has a cool personal story and you just kind of want to know it. But it's personal and if they choose to share that's cool too. But it's probably hard not knowing everyone's motives. In fact I do believe one of the members of The Janoskians tweeted something like that not too long ago :
Not knowing what people's intentions are is the worst
— James Yammouni (@James_Yammouni) July 16, 2014
It's crazy how that group is just a crazy bunch of friends doing what they love and having a good time. I would love to have a friendship like that where no matter what you don't have to stress and you can just have fun. Because life should be fun and friendship shouldn't be stressful.
What I'm listening to:
If you check out my 'what I'm listening to' sidebar you'll see it's been updated recently. I have my two favorite some from The Janoskians, Best friends & Real Girls Eat Cake. Two fun single that just kind of keep you pumped up. They are a couple songs that keep me motivated on a run. Black Widow by Iggy Azalea is also on my playlist as well. I also have a new Imagine Dragon's song, Battle cry, which is from the new Transformer's movie. But there's also this really awesome song by Brandyn Burnette called, Thanks for nothing. Seriously if you haven't heard it click the Spotify play button and listen to it. It's awesome and upbeat and it just reminds you that life doesn't have to be stressful. If you like it it's on Itunes: click here, just saying.Social media is a pretty cool thing because it helps you get an idea of who people are and Brandyn seems like a pretty awesome person and his music rocks. It's pretty cool knowing that with all those followers he still tries to make an effort to respond to all the tweets. If you don't believe me follow him yourself.
#ThanksForNothing is so much fun to play live. I love watching people's faces in the crowd when the chorus drops! 😱😂 http://t.co/g3KiU5qiqf
— Brandyn Burnette (@brandynburnette) July 16, 2014
I probably have way more to say but I'm going to stop for now before I sound too much of a fangirl.
Well have fun check out the music and enjoy life more to come
Brandyn Burnette,
mind reading,
stress free,
The Janoskians,
the world,
Friday, July 11, 2014
Struggling to write
What's this a blog? Wait something I'm actually supposed to update and write on every now and then. Oops guess I've been forgetting to do something. Wait I actually haven't forgotten, I've been avoiding it. I think one of the reasons why is partially because I feel like I have nothing to say. I feel like most of my thoughts are just relevant enough for twitter, instagram or even a comment section on YouTube but not worthy enough for a blog. I'm sorry about that but from the view counter I don't really think anyone has been checking out my blog in a long time so it's all good. Atleast I can say I've been into some new things recently and I'm also on the quest for a job so stay tuned for new things coming. What do you think would happen if I became a YouTube video blogger? Probably nothing, I don't think I'd have that many views. I still am on that journey to be AN AUTHOR so hopefully i can finally come up with some coherent thoughts that can be made into a novel sometime soon.
Future blogposts:
Future blogposts:
- The Janoskians. (They are awesome)
- Getting a job, ( You know those normal people who actually have to work for a living)
- Writing - hopefully we'll see some progress there
- Many more things but so I don't get your hopes up we can just some stuff.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
The Future (Revisited)
Not too long ago I wrote an article about the future:
The Future
So plain and simple: The future is scary. I'd like to say
otherwise and be all wide eyed and optimistic but I can't because it scares me.
Anything can happen and nothing is guaranteed and honestly you just don't know
what you're going to get. People say
that they can't wait until the future for things to happen, but the future is
now and things don't just happen, you have to make them happen....(for the rest click here)
But today is the present, the future is tomorrow and yesterday is the past. This is your life and it's crazy how fast time flies sometimes. So here's some things that happened in the recent past.
- Prom- There was dancing, cute dresses, a chocolate fountain and good music. Also not to mention all the profile pictures that changed because everyone just looked so awesome.
- Grad Bash- Fun times in a theme park with your graduating class, definitely a fun time
- Graduation- From high school of course. The class of 2014 did it and I am delighted to say I was one of them. It's crazy to think that four years just went by and pretty soon another four years will go by and that's college. I hope to make the most of it. It's sad knowing that I didn't know half the people in my senior class. Like congrats but I don't know you. But it was seriously just time to be done with high school, no surprises there. It might be a pretty cliche thing to say but, this is literally just the beginning. Our lives don't end with high school, there are so many great things ahead.
high school,
the world,
Monday, May 12, 2014
Teachers: What do they actually teach you?
Have you ever gone to class and just wondered what the heck you were doing listening to some old person lecturing you about things you'll probably never think about outside of school? Sometimes I'll finish a class and then I'll just wonder to myself what I actually learned. It seems like a waste to go to school and feel like you didn't really learn anything. But I think the best lessons were the ones your teachers didn't have in the lesson plans. The life advice they give you because they actually have experience and they want you to succeed in the world. The things they tell you because they actually care.
In life you'll more than likely always meet someone who is more experienced in certain areas than you are. Whether it's school, a sport, a job or even a hobby, there's someone out there you could learn from. Those people that share their skill set with you, and try to make you better are just like the teachers you try to make you more educated so you can be successful in life. But sometimes you just can't help but think in your head when your listening to some sixty year old person going on and on about how they used to this and that ans what not, that they are wasting your time. Thinking about it now, I don't think those people tell these stories because they enjoy hearing their voice and want to make young people suffer through a history lesson. Maybe they want us to learn from their experiences and for us to be able to grow from them. They say history repeats itself and that's why you need to be educated on it, so you can see that cycle.
You know that metaphor everyone uses to describe life? Something about it being a roller coaster with many twists and turns and you never know what you are going to get? One of my coaches said to me, that some people say the prefer Merry go rounds, because they just go in circles. That is basically like saying that they just do the same things over and over and they do it because they know there will be no surprises. They also said that some people pick the roller coaster they get on to with the choices they make especially if they know what the consequences are going to be. But there are always those people who don't get on the ride at all because they are really too afraid to take any risks, so they hold themselves back. When I look back on my life I don't want to be that person who didn't get on the ride at all. I want to be the person that created opportunities and actually did things whether or not they sucked or were totally awesome, I want to do them.
Life tip #4: To have some excitement every once in awhile. You know when you haven't done anything interesting in along time, it's alright to live a little and do something fun and unexpected. No need to break the law, just get some adrenaline pumping. You know, fork somebodies yard or do some ding dong ditching.
Sometimes you don't have to be in a classroom to learn and experience things. More life tips to come...
In life you'll more than likely always meet someone who is more experienced in certain areas than you are. Whether it's school, a sport, a job or even a hobby, there's someone out there you could learn from. Those people that share their skill set with you, and try to make you better are just like the teachers you try to make you more educated so you can be successful in life. But sometimes you just can't help but think in your head when your listening to some sixty year old person going on and on about how they used to this and that ans what not, that they are wasting your time. Thinking about it now, I don't think those people tell these stories because they enjoy hearing their voice and want to make young people suffer through a history lesson. Maybe they want us to learn from their experiences and for us to be able to grow from them. They say history repeats itself and that's why you need to be educated on it, so you can see that cycle.
You know that metaphor everyone uses to describe life? Something about it being a roller coaster with many twists and turns and you never know what you are going to get? One of my coaches said to me, that some people say the prefer Merry go rounds, because they just go in circles. That is basically like saying that they just do the same things over and over and they do it because they know there will be no surprises. They also said that some people pick the roller coaster they get on to with the choices they make especially if they know what the consequences are going to be. But there are always those people who don't get on the ride at all because they are really too afraid to take any risks, so they hold themselves back. When I look back on my life I don't want to be that person who didn't get on the ride at all. I want to be the person that created opportunities and actually did things whether or not they sucked or were totally awesome, I want to do them.
Life tip #4: To have some excitement every once in awhile. You know when you haven't done anything interesting in along time, it's alright to live a little and do something fun and unexpected. No need to break the law, just get some adrenaline pumping. You know, fork somebodies yard or do some ding dong ditching.
Sometimes you don't have to be in a classroom to learn and experience things. More life tips to come...
Best Tweet I've seen all day! :)
Native Americans pic.twitter.com/UdLhysGdkS
— PUNS (@omgthatspunny) May 9, 2014
Friday, May 9, 2014
Something about feelings.
When someone makes you the happiest person and the saddest person at the same time, that's when it's real. That's when it’s worth something.
— Chuck Bass (@ltsChuck) May 7, 2014
Have you ever met someone and it's like all of a sudden nothing else matters? Like those moments your with them just feel so fantastic that all the bad things in your world just disappear. I picked the tweet above to share because hey, it's Chuck Bass and because it just feels incredibly true. In life I feel like things that are the most worth it are the things that are challenging and difficult. Like right now writing this blog post is challenging because I have a bunch of things on my mind that I want to say but the backspace button seems to be getting a workout. But who knows this post might actually be worth it.I hate watching movies where a character ends up with a happy ending even though they didn't really deserve it. Like no where in the storyline do they even attempt to try and in the end they turn out to be the hero or they have a passionate kiss with the so called love of their life. To me that's boring! Where's the excitement, the drama, the tear jerking moments that actually mean something?I honestly like movies that make me cry because that means I had to have felt something. In the end I think everyone just wants to feel something. Even if that something is pain.
Recently I did meet someone who may have changed my life a little bit, maybe more than that. Not only did they help me learn more about myself but they also made me feel really happy. But what really got me is the fact that I don't think this person really realized how truly amazing they are. I'm not huge on talking but when I do talk it's with someone that I like. But when I'm not talking, I'm observing because I like to watch the little things that people do. Sometimes cute little things people do naturally are the things that make them stand out the most. When people point out your flaws or say negative things about you, it's easy to get stuck those ideas. To think that no one would ever really get to see the real you because all they can see are those negative things. I feel like when someone makes you happy those "flaws" don't matter they just make that person ten times better. With me I have the hardest time showing affection and or sharing my feeling because I'm so afraid that when people discover the real me, they'll realize I'm bad for them. So I've spent a lot of my time pushing people that I actually like away, or I just don't let them in.I But that's my fault and I want to change it. If I keep hiding behind this fear that no one will ever like me if they get to know me, no one is ever going to like me because I won't let them. I just want people to be happy, thats ll that matters to me.
Maybe that's why I don't like movies with a happy ending, because I 'm afraid I'll never get one of my own.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sure maybe I wish I would have blogged more and sent my book off to be published but there is still my friends plenty of time for that.
Maybe today's post will be short, or you know maybe not. See it's up to me and that's how I like it. I like just typing away feeling free behind the keyboard. I feel driven and sometimes find myself deleting many of the things I say. If you ever see me on twitter you probably won't see many tweets at a time because it takes me twenty minutes to post the perfect one. But what is life? It's my birthday and I just feel so happy. The funny thing is though, I've never really been one to advertise it and really want attention. Sure I'd bring it up, but most of my friends already knew. But the crazy thing is, is just how much I've changed and my perspective on the world. I feel like I see things differently from people and you know I just want to share that.
Be happy, see the world,
xoxo Mercedes
Monday, March 31, 2014
Lots to say...
I have a lot of things I want to talk about hopefully, I'll share them soon. Right now, I just feel distracted and like nothing I blog about will actually make sense.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Timeflies Tuesday - Pompeii
Monday, February 24, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Future...
So plain and simple: The future is scary. I'd like to say
otherwise and be all wide eyed and optimistic but I can't because it scares me.
Anything can happen and nothing is guaranteed and honestly you just don't know
what you're going to get. People say
that they can't wait until the future for things to happen, but the future is
now and things don't just happen, you have to make them happen.
You can't just live life scared to go outside your bubble
because you it's not guaranteed that you'll stay safe. On the other hand living
impulse by impulse might just leave you sixteen and pregnant or I don’t know
dead. Where's the happy medium? It's so sad when that person who has worked
their butt off their whole life and then when they decide to have a little fun
something bad happens. It's even more frustrating when that person who has done
every impulsive act imaginable, nothing bad ever happens to them. It's like
there are rules and exceptions to those rules and then you're just left
wondering where you fit in to it all. Life I tell you is just a complicated
thing, and it really hasn't even started yet.
Every birthday since I turned thirteen I want to say my
parents have told me that I'm one year closer to being tried as an adult. I
know that sounds really depressing and also looks like they think the worst of
me but honestly, they were being realistic. It only takes one stupid mistake
nowadays to get yourself in trouble and you have to be aware of what you’re
doing. Like when you get your driver's license it's the most exciting thing in
the world, no more waiting for your parents to pick you up. But every time you
get behind the wheel you have to know that you could be putting other people in
harm’s way if you don't pay attention. It's so stressful knowing that something
that can be so fun can be dangerous as well. Sometimes I wish my future self
would send me text messages of what not to do because I really don't want to
mess up. Like you never know when that important English essay you have is just
going to delete itself the night before it's due.
Whenever I think about the future, I think about the show
One Tree Hill. It has nine seasons and with every season you just never know
what’s going to happen. My favorite
characters from that show are Nathan Scott and Haley; they’re this couple that
goes through so many different hardships that you just don’t think will make it
in the end. Watching the show makes you realize there is no age limit you have
to be to fall in love or become successful, you can get all that by going after
what you want. I watch these characters grow and become better versions of themselves
and I just wish that I can do the same. The point is, you never know what's
going to happen, whether it’s falling in love and getting married at seventeen
or being your own boss by the age of twenty two, anything can happen.
Sometimes I just wonder how my grandparents made it this far
in life because it just seems like so much. But you know I might be scared but
I'm also not afraid of going through life. I know that things are going to
happen and many of them might suck, but there is light at the end of the
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Timeflies Tuesday: Call Your Girlfriend
Oh, It's my blog, I forgot I could post anything I wanted to. Like I've really been getting into Timeflies so I thought I'd share the music with you. They might end up in the "What I'm Listening to section sometime but for now, check out the videos.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Slutty brownies...
Now that I have captured your attention, if you don't know what slutty brownies are I'll explain them to you. My friends freaked out when they heard that name. "Slutty brownies oh my God, Mercedes what are you doing?!" I couldn't stop laughing, the text messages kept coming, "do we need to talk about something..." it was like they thought I was going insane, which is probably true... I'm not going to lie when I told my mom she had this alarmed shock look on her face like I was out of my mind. She was all like "I'm telling your father, how's he going to feel about his daughter talking about sluts," it was actually kind of funny.
Getting to know slutty brownies...
I discovered this cool brownie picture on Pinterest one day when I was bored and then I realized I could actually make them.Slutty brownies are one layer cookie dough topped with Oreos and then cover with brownie mix. They are super easy to make because you just bake them until the brownies are cooked all the way. After baking them in the oven and letting them cool for a bit, they are ready to eat and they taste heavenly. My family pretty much enjoyed them they were so addictive. When I was at the store buying the ingredients for the brownies my phone was being blown up. My friend who I quoted earlier had asked me if "slutty brownies" was code for weed brownies. Like how crazy would I have to be to make weed brownies, let alone feed them to my family. I really couldn't stop laughing when I read that text because it so so unexpected. I'm about 99.9% sure that she didn't believe me when I said no. I mean even though my friends and pretty much everyone else thought I was crazy at least the brownies tasted good.Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Say something I'm giving up on you...
Every time I come to blog, I tell my self I'll have a cool title this time something people want to read. But I seriously just end up laughing at my stupidity and settle for something lame. That happens with like 99.9% of my tweets. The ones that end up on twitter are like my edited PG thoughts because I don't know what people would say if they heard my real ones. Alright I'll be honest the things I don't share aren't bad, they're just really honest and would probably be considered really good subtweets. I pretty much type something up , laugh at it and then erase it and move on with my life. I really just need someone to share my thoughts with because many of them are really good.
Like I just wrote a paragraph and then deleted it because it felt so weird for people to read. Do you ever send a text message to someone and the feel completely vulnerable because you don't know how they are going to judge it? Like that one message can redefine your whole relationship with that person? you know it happens with friendships too. That's how you know whether or not someone can be a real friend. People are going to judge you and not understand the choices you make, but a few of them will be sure to stand by you when you make them.
Sometimes I'm not even sure I I'm thinking so hard about life. Maybe it's the songs hear on my playlist or something but they inspire me. They make me think about who I am and the person I'm becoming. Most of the songs I hear are easy to relate to even though I haven't been in a relationship or got dumped. But you know what they still play with your heart anyways. When the song "Let Her Go" by Passenger comes on you stop what you're doing and sing. I really love when I'm with people I like when my favorite song comes on because I'm not afraid to sing. In fact I will sing especially if they are willing to sing with me. The best part is I can't sing so it's very entertaining.
I think at one point there was a point to this post but it got lost in the music, sorry... xoxo
Like I just wrote a paragraph and then deleted it because it felt so weird for people to read. Do you ever send a text message to someone and the feel completely vulnerable because you don't know how they are going to judge it? Like that one message can redefine your whole relationship with that person? you know it happens with friendships too. That's how you know whether or not someone can be a real friend. People are going to judge you and not understand the choices you make, but a few of them will be sure to stand by you when you make them.
Sometimes I'm not even sure I I'm thinking so hard about life. Maybe it's the songs hear on my playlist or something but they inspire me. They make me think about who I am and the person I'm becoming. Most of the songs I hear are easy to relate to even though I haven't been in a relationship or got dumped. But you know what they still play with your heart anyways. When the song "Let Her Go" by Passenger comes on you stop what you're doing and sing. I really love when I'm with people I like when my favorite song comes on because I'm not afraid to sing. In fact I will sing especially if they are willing to sing with me. The best part is I can't sing so it's very entertaining.
I think at one point there was a point to this post but it got lost in the music, sorry... xoxo
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Hey It's me again!!!
Life happens...
Well it's a new year seeing as the last time I blogged it was 2013, and now January is close to being over and I realized that I really miss blogging. Not that anything I ever had to say was that interesting , it was just fun to let it all out. This isn't a book I'm writing that has a certain plot or some article for journalism that has to be school appropriate, this it just me expressing what I have to say.It so often surprises me that sometimes people can even relate to it. Now I'm not going to make it my New Year's resolution to blog more, because let's face it, I'd probably ignore it anyway. Whenever I feel inspired and not half asleep though, I'll blog.Hopefully my writing flows a little easier and you're not just reading a bunch of my jumbled up thoughts, because my thoughts get a little too crazy and confusing. What you don't understand is that, there are so many things that I want to say, some of them I'm just afraid to. I don't want to limit myself but then I don't want to share too much.
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